
Please use this form to report any faults or maintenance problems.

Your request will be given a priority – see priority definitions below. The matter will be dealt with in-house wherever possible. An outside contractor will be summoned if required. You will be kept informed of progress.

Urgent or Emergency issues should be raised with our office team or in the event our office is closed please call our emergency phone number 07970833728.

Maintenance request

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Priority definitions

Priority A – Emergency Repairs: These repairs are those which if unattended would cause a danger to health, a risk to the safety of the residences or serious damage to the building. We aim to deal with these within 24 hours of becoming aware of the problem.

Priority B – Urgent Repairs: Repairs which affect the comfort or convenience of the tenant(s). We aim to deal with these within five working days of becoming aware of the problem.

Priority C – Non Urgent day-to-day repairs: These are reactive repairs which do not fall into either of the above categories and which can wait a short while before they are dealt with. We aim to deal with these within twenty eight working days of becoming aware of the problem.

Priority D – Planned maintenance programme: These would be desirable improvements which would be considered in the programme of major work planned by the Landlord.